A Discussion meeting on National Library Day held
Publish | 06 Jun 2018, 13:06

Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalist (BALID) organized a discussion meeting on National Library Day on Saturday 02 June 2018 at VIP Auditorium (Seminar Room), Central Public Library, Shahbagh, Dhaka.
Honorable Chief Whip Mr. ASM Feroz, MP, was present as the Chief Guest while Begum Akhter Jahan, MP and Member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee, Ministry of Finance attended as the Special guest, Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, Chairman, Department of Library Management and Information Science, Royal University presented a keynote paper.
Chief Guest emphasized on 'development of library a School level, and he ensured that he would like to discuss with finance minister for special allocation for library of the forthcoming budget.'
He also urged that School Librarians are the teachers as long as they taking classes, and he surprised to know the Dhaka Board Gazette regarding school librarian. Dr. Mustafizur Rahman presented a keynote and he also highlighted the significance of National Library day its worldwide history.
Professor Dr.SM Zabed Ahmed, Librarian (Acting), University of Dhaka also spoke on the occasion and appreciated the overall arrangement. Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalist (BALID) Chairman Dr. Mirza Mohammad Rezaul Islam chaired the event and Mohammad Humayun Kabir, Secretary General of (BALID)given a welcome speech.
Mst Razina Akhter, Vice chairman, BALID anchored the event. Around 120 library professionals were attended the event and played a pivotal role to make it successful. The event was ended followed by iftar.