Easy tips to prevent and treat cough, cold during monsoon
Publish | 24 Jul 2017, 17:59

Follow common home remedies and prevent yourself from catching cough and cold during rainy days.
Monsoon season is rejuvenating and refreshes every living organism. Yet, it brings along a number of common illnesses. The most common among all is cough and cold that is a contagious disease and it can turn into a life-threatening disease though very rare. The basic causes are fluctuation in temperature and viral infections. The disease is fortunately preventable. Take some precautions to stay away from this ailment and follow certain home remedies if it catches you.
Avoid getting wet in the rain. Try to keep yourself indoors during the first rain of the season as it contains acidic pollutants and various infections.
Maintain hygienic condition. Take bath in the morning and before going to bed with warm water. Wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently to keep them clean. Never use another person’s handkerchief or towel.
Never wear damp or soggy clothes or shoes. Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands as far as possible. These organs carry infection from outside to inside your body very easily.
Avoid crowded places. These places are more probable to cause viral infection because it transfers from one to others.
Cover your nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing.
Avoid eating outside, chilled, fried, junk and spicy food. Consume fresh, healthy and balanced diet as much as possible.
Keep your body well hydrated. Drink at least eight glasses of warm and clean water daily. Carry home-purified water while travelling.
Drink herbal tea thrice a day.
Take enough rest to make your body ready to fight back infection.
Home cures if you get infected by cough and cold:
If you see any symptoms of viral infection start immediately salt water gargles and steam inhalation. It will ease out sore throat and nasal congestion.
Mix one teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with two teaspoons of honey. Consume two teaspoons at a time thrice or four times a day.
Boil one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of milk. Drink it hot morning-evening.
Boil half teaspoon of crushed black pepper corns and two to three basil leaves in a glass of milk. Drink it hot twice a day.
Make black tea adding ginger. Strain and add one teaspoon of lemon juice. Drink hot.
Don’t forget you’re at higher risk of falling sick during rainy season. Though everyone needs to be careful senior citizens and small children need extra care as their bodies are more vulnerable to viral infections. If symptoms are severe or long lasting, don’t wait. Visit your doctor immediately. Refrain and stay safe being away from cough and cold.