Mouth-related problems and their home remedies
Publish | 12 Jan 2018, 14:39

There are many different types of mouth problems.
Some of these are preventable with good oral hygiene and other condition are more advanced and can stick around much longer. They can leave you uncomfortable and in pain. Try few easy home cures for fast-acting reliefs.
Mouth Infection
· Powder dried mint. Used as tooth powder.
Mouth Inflammation
· Soak one tablespoon crushed licorice root into cups water for two to three hours and use it for gargling frequently.
Mouth Odour
· Tea made by boiling one tablespoon fenugreek seeds, taken twice or thrice a day. A little honey or lemon juice can be added to improve the flavor.
Mouth Ulcers
· Mix some coconut milk with honey and massage the gums three to four times a day.
· Gargle with (or apply) freshly extracted coconut milk from a ripe coconut frequently.
· Mix the pulp of a ripe fruit with jaggery and eat once a daily.
· Mix one teacup bel pulp with one teaspoon sugar and eat early morning on an empty stomach for three days.
· Prepare coriander decoction by boiling one teaspoon coriander seeds in one cup water and gargle frequently, when lukewarm.
· Chew one or two tender leaves of fig and leaf buds frequently and wash the mouth with warm water.
· Soak one tablespoon crushed licorice root in two cups water for two to three hours and use it for gargling frequently.
· Boil two tablespoons fenugreek leaves along with ½ cup green gram and 10 small onions. Eat regularly.
· Fenugreek seeds, dried and powdered. This is added to drinking water. Drink two to three times daily for two to three days.
· Pour boiling water over fenugreek leaves. Keep aside until lukewarm. Strain and gargle with this infusion, 5-6 times daily for a couple of days.
If you suspect any serious problem, consult your dentist or physician as soon as possible to eliminate further complication.