jagoroniya.com Interesting facts about kinnow orange

Interesting facts about kinnow orange

Publish | 07 Nov 2017, 18:51

Online Desk

Sweet, juicy and tempting, kinnow orange is among the top winter fruits. Know all about it.

Rows of smartly piled vibrant orange kinnow line the market street.  How attractive they look. Sweet, juicy and tempting, kinnow orange is among the top winter fruits.

In a new study, a research group proposed that kinnow oranges can be grown on large scale in West Bengal, saying that the soil condition in the state is right for kinnow orange cultivation and the state can go for “high-density planting”.

But what is kinnow orange and how to grow it?

Here are some interesting facts. Know all about this pulpy kinnow orange:
Kinnow orange is a King-Willow leaf mandarin hybrid

It was developed  at the University of California Research Center, Riverside

The mandarin hybrid was developed in 1915 by HB Frost and released in 1935

Kinnow orange is widely planted in Pakistan

The fruit was introduced in Punjab in 1963

It, now, is cultivated on a large scale in the Punjab-Haryana-Rajasthan belt

Kinnow orange can be grown in places with low humidity and less pest and diseases. The higher the humidity, more the pests and more diseases.

The mandarin fruit grows well in arid tracts

This winter fruit is sweet and juicy

This highly juicy fruit is rich in dietary fibre and Vitamin C and has many health and beauty benefits