Skincare myths demystified
Publish | 21 Nov 2017, 18:21

Here are beauty tips by expert who have cracked a few myths that are common but still not clear to many.
Don’t self-judge your skin and arrive at your own skin diagnosis, say experts who suggest people should use sunscreen is a must even if you don’t see the sun outside.
Priti Singh, Global Skin Expert, O3+ and Shaivya Gupta, Research and Development Manager at Organic Harvest, have cracked a few myths that are common but still not clear to many:
* Oily skin too needs moisturising: Many people think that oily skin doesn’t require moisturising. However, every skin type needs a moisturiser. Whenever you cleanse your skin, you strip it off its natural moisture, which might trigger excessive oil production in oily skin. That can lead to additional breakouts and scarring. To avoid the dreaded shine, a light water-based, oil-free moisturisers work the best.
* Sunscreen is a must even in cloudy weather: Even on a cloudy day, UV radiation from the sun penetrates into your skin. So make sure you use sunscreen every day, and reapply after every two hours especially, after swimming or sweating.
Don’t fall prey to the myth that just because you are wearing make-up with an SPF, you are protected. Make sure you use sunscreen in addition to your make-up.
* If the label reads natural, it is not necessary that its organic: The process of organic certification is a long process which takes many years and is greatly regulated. Unfortunately, the use of the word organic alone does not ensure that the product is certified organic.
A product that carries ecocert, onecert and nature certified label entails that the product has been qualified and certified as having organic ingredients.
* Deep penetration massage is important. It will effectively remove the free radicals and daily pollutants that rest in the open pores within the skin. Apply and gently massage some clarifying gel wash onto the skin daily every morning.
This will help increase the blood circulation on your face and if done routinely, can reverse the slightest signs of skin-ageing.
* Layering is important. Use fluid-based serums. Due to the light texture of the fluid serums, the product is able to administer a more potent dose of say vitamin C or minerals into the skin, which is able to be absorbed better by the skin in the deeper derma layers.
* The harder you scrub or exfoliate, the better: This is one of the most common myth we hear for oily skin and skin with acne. Cleansing too often, using too much pressure, or over-exfoliating your skin can actually make the problem worse.
* Skincare products need to have preservatives to be safe: Preservatives are added to prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast and fungus when water is part of the ingredient list.
While preservatives are safer than bacteria, if your skin care product does not contain a water based product then there is no need for preservatives. Read the description before you start using a product.