Solar eclipse on Sunday, partial visibility in Bangladesh
Publish | 21 Jun 2020, 02:05

An annual solar eclipse will occur tomorrow while partial eclipse will be visible in Bangladesh if the sky remains clear.
A solar eclipse occurs when a portion of the Earth is engulfed in a shadow cast by the Moon which fully or partially blocks sunlight. This occurs when the Sun, Moon and Earth are aligned. Such alignment coincides with a new moon (syzygy) indicating the Moon is closest to the ecliptic plane. In a total eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun is obscured.
The eclipse will begin at 9:46 am at Impfondo city of Democratic Republic of Congo while it will end at 3:34 pm at Mindanao city of the Philippines, said a release of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department .
It said the central eclipse will begin at 10:48 am at Boma of Democratic Republic of Congo and greatest eclipse at 12:40 pm at Josimath of India while central eclipse will end at 2:31 pm at Samar of the Philippines.
The sighting will begin at 11:23 am in Dhaka and Mymensingh, Chattogram at 11:28am, Sylhet at 11:27am, Khulna at 11:20am, Barishal at 11:23am, Rajshahi at 11:17am and Rangpur at 11:17am.
Central eclipse will be sighted at 1:12pm in Dhaka and Mymensingh, 1:17pm in Chattogram, and 1:16pm in Sylhet, 1:09pm in Khulna, 1.12pm in Barishal, 1:06pm in Rajshahi and 1:07 Rangpur.
It will end at 2.52pm in Dhaka.
Everyone is requested to visit for particulars of this eclipse.
Source: BSS