Aung San Suu Kyi: No ethnic cleansing of Myanmar Muslim minority
Publish | 06 Apr 2017, 11:40

Myanmar’s leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, said ethnic cleansing was too strong a term to describe what was happening in the Muslim-majority Rakhine region, the BBC reported on Wednesday.
The Nobel peace prize winner acknowledged problems in Rakhine state, where most Rohingya people live. But she said ethnic cleansing was "too strong" a term to use.
Instead, Myanmar's de-facto leader said the country would welcome any returning Rohingya with open arms.
“I don’t think there is ethnic cleaning going on,” Suu Kyi told the BBC.
“I think ethnic cleansing is too strong an expression to use for what is happening.“
Ms Suu Kyi added: "I think there is a lot of hostility there - it is Muslims killing Muslims as well, if they think they are co-operating with the authorities.
"It is not just a matter of ethnic cleansing as you put it - it is a matter of people on different sides of the divide, and this divide we are trying to close up."
The Rohingya are denied citizenship in Myanmar, also known as Burma, which views them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. They face routine official and public discrimination.
Tens of thousands of Rohingya live in make-shift refugee camps after being displaced by communal violence in 2012.
In recent months, some 70,000 have fled to Bangladesh to escape a government military operation in Rakhine, launched after nine policemen were killed in an attack.
The United Nations announced last month it was to conduct an investigation into allegations the military has been indiscriminately targeting the Rohingya during the operation, subjecting them to rape, murder and torture. The government has denied this.
For many, Ms Suu Kyi's perceived silence on the Rohingya has damaged the reputation she earned as a beacon for human rights, thanks to her decades-long battle against the military junta, during much of which she was under house arrest.
She has come under increasing pressure internationally on the issue.
But speaking in a face-to-face interview for the first time this year, Ms Suu Kyi said had answered questions on the issue previously.
"This question has been asked since 2013, when the last round of troubles broke out in Rakhine.
"And they [the journalists] would ask me questions and I would answer them and people would say I said nothing.
"Simply because I did not make the statements people wanted, which people wanted me to make, simply to condemn one community or the other."
Ms Suu Kyi said she had no idea why the October attacks were carried out, but speculated it may have been an effort to derail attempts to negotiate peace between the Myanmar state and the country's various armed ethnic insurgent groups.
She also denied the army had free rein to do whatever it liked."They are not free to rape, pillage and torture," she said. "They are free to go in and fight. That is in the constitution. Military matters are to be left to the army."
However, she did acknowledge that regaining control of the military was something the government still hoped to do. Under the current constitution, the military operates independently of the governing party.
Source: BBC