20.64 lakh tonnes Boro rice produced in Rangpur region
Published : 11 Jul 2016, 14:39

The farmers produced over 20.64 lakh tonnes of Boro rice during the last Rabi season in all five districts under Rangpur agriculture zone that plays vital role in ensuring the country's food security, officials sources said.
However, the fixed production target of 20.97 lakh tonnes of Boro rice could not be achieved following little shortfall against the fixed cultivation target as the farmers cultivated less irrigation water consuming wheat and maize crops on more lands.
According to the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, Boro crop was cultivated on 5.01 lakh hectares of land, which was 99.80 percent against the fixed target of 5.02 lakh hectares, to produce 20.97 lakh tonnes clean Boro rice last season.
The fixed target included production of 7.57 lakh tonnes hybrid variety Boro rice from 1.51 lakh hectares land, 13.35 lakh tonnes high yielding variety rice from 3.49 lakh hectares and 4,255 tonnes local variety Boro rice from 2,127 hectares land.
The achieved average yield rate stood at 4.74 tonnes clean rice per hectare of land for hybrid variety, 3.88 tonnes for high yielding variety and 2.14 tonnes per hectare of land for local variety Boro rice during the last Rabi season in the region.
"The Boro output marked little shortfall following crop diversification, enhanced cultivation of wheat and maize and ongoing efforts for reducing more irrigation water consuming crop cultivation in the region," said horticulture specialist of the DAE Khondker Md. Mesbahul Islam.
He said the farmers finally produced 6.68 lakh tonnes hybrid Boro rice from 1.41 lakh hectares of land, over 13.89 lakh tonnes high yielding variety rice from 3.57 lakh hectares and 6,606 tonnes local variety Boro rice from 3,090 hectares of land last season.
Adviser-Agriculture of BRAC International (South Asia and Africa) Dr M A Mazid said expanded adoption of the latest conservation agriculture technologies by the farmers contributed to higher Boro rice yield rate per hectare during the last Rabi season.
Rangpur Regional Additional Director of DAE Md Shah Alam said the farmers got excellent yield rate of Boro rice as a result of smooth cultivation of the crop, timely supply of electricity, diesel, other inputs and facilities by the government.
"The officials, experts and scientists of all agriculture-related departments, research and technology- disseminating organisations also provided assistance to the farmers to make the Boro farming programme successful during the last Rabi season," he added.
Source: BSS