Historic six-point day today
Published : 07 Jun 2017, 11:50

The historic six-point day, marking the demand for autonomy for former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, will be observed today across the country in a befitting manner.
On this day in 1966, the Awami League (AL) under the charismatic leadership of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for a day-long hartal throughout East Pakistan pressing the demand for autonomy to end the exploitation, deprivation, subjugation and tyranny of the then central government of Pakistan on the people here.
People took to the streets during the dawn-to-dusk hartal throughout the province and the law enforcement agencies, including the East Pakistan Rifles (EPR), opened fire on the demonstrators in Tongi, Dhaka and Narayanganj that left ten including labour leader Monu Miah, Shafique and Shamsul Huq killed.
The police atrocities intensified the movement for provincial autonomy turning it into the historic mass upsurge in 1969 that subsequently caused the downfall of the reign of Field Marshal Ayub Khan.
Later in 1970's general election of Pakistan, the AL led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman recorded a landslide victory. But, the Pakistani military dictators refused to hand over power to Awami League.
On December 16 in 1971, Bangladesh emerged as an independent and sovereign state in the world map fighting successfully the nine-month War of Liberation against the Pakistani occupation forces.
To mark the historic six-point day, different socio-political organizations including the ruling AL, its associate bodies and like-minded socio-cultural organizations have drawn up elaborate programmes.
President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today issued separate messages on the occasion greeting the countrymen and recalling the supreme sacrifices of the freedom-loving people.
In his message, President Hamid recalled the contribution of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman saying, "The six-point demand was a milestone to the country's history that geared up the War of Liberation in 1971."
He said Bangabandhu raised the demand for ensuring the right to self- determination and autonomy through the historic six-point demand that laid emphasis on political, economic, social and cultural interests of the mass people.
The President also called upon all to work together to build a happy and prosperous Bangladesh earlier designed by the Father of Nation.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, vowed to uphold the democratic rights of country's people being imbued with the spirit of democratic movements and struggles including the historic June 7 in 1966.
She paid rich tributes to the patriotic people who embraced martyrdom in different democratic movements including on June 7, 1966.
As part of the day's programmes, AL will hoist national and party flags atop party offices across the country and at Bangabandhu Bhaban in the morning, place wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu at Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi at 8.30 am today.
Besides, Dhaka city unit of AL (south and north units) will jointly organise a discussion meeting at the auditorium of Institution of Engineers Bangladesh at 2:30 pm on the day.
Meanwhile, in a statement, Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader, also Road Transport and Bridges Minister, yesterday urged all party leaders and workers to observe the day by participating in the party programmes.
Source: bss