Bangladeshi immigrant Nina Ahmad to run for Congress
Published : 09 Dec 2017, 14:32

Nina Ahmad is one of the strongest candidates among the Bangladeshi immigrants aspiring to join mainstream politics in the United States so far. Recently she resigned as deputy mayor of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to run for Congress.
Nina talked about her preparations for the Congress election during a conversation with Prothom Alo on Thursday. She resigned her post as deputy mayor on 30 September to contest in the election against Congressman Robert Brady, a current member of Democratic Party. She had to leave the post to be nominated in the Congress election.
Nina Ahmad will contest as a Democrat member from congressional district-1, consisting Philadelphia City of Chester, a part of Central Philadelphia, and another part of south Philadelphia. If she wins in the primary stage, her chance of victory in the main election will be quite strong.
Nina previously served on president's 'Advisory Commission of Asian-American and Pacific Islanders' being appointed by former president Barack Obama. She resigned after Donald Trump has sworn as US president on 20 January this year.
Congressman Robert Brady is the member of Democratic Party who has been under federal scrutiny in a case that snared his two top cohorts. So Brady's candidacy in November election remains uncertain.
On the other hand, Nina has been working in support of immigrants' rights and respect for more than two decades. She is very popular among the black American, Asian, and Hispanic population. As 78 per cent of the residents of Philadelphia are Democrat supporters, Nina will certainly be at an advantage.
Nina told Prothom Alo, "As an immigrant, a woman and a social activist, I am expecting support from people of all spheres." She said she would start campaigning before Christmas.
Earlier, Hashem Clark was the first Bangladeshi congressman in US from 2011 to 2013. Many other Bangladeshi immigrants have participated in the Congress election but never won. Nina Ahmad comparatively has the best chance to win so far.
Source: Prothom Alo