Prime Minister to address 73rd Session UNGA September 27
Published : 22 Sep 2018, 10:45

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will address the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly at the UN Headquarters in New York in the evening (local time) on September 27 and hold a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the same day.
Earliar, the Prime Minister arrived London on Friday afternoon en route to New York on a weeklong official visit to the United States to attend the 73rd Session of UNGA.
After making nearly two-day stopover in the British capital, the prime minister will leave London for New York on Sunday morning by a British Airways flight.
The flight is scheduled to reach Newark Liberty International Airport, New Jersey, at 1:40 pm local time. She is scheduled to reach New York on September 23.
The general debate of the 73rd session will be held from September 25 to October 1.
After the reception at the airport, a ceremonial motorcade will escort the prime minister to Hotel Grand Hyatt New York, where she will be staying during her visit to the USA.
On the first day of her visit to the USA, Sheikh Hasina will attend a reception to be accorded to her by the Bangladesh community in the United States at Hotel New York Hilton Midtown in the evening.
On the sidelines of the UNGA, she will also hold bilateral meetings with a number of world leaders, including Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
Sheikh Hasina will attend a Welcome Reception to be hosted by US President Donald J Trump, while US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to call on her.
This year’s theme of the general debate is ‘Making the United Nations relevant to all people: Global leadership and shared responsibilities for peaceful, equitable and sustainable societies’.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will place some specific proposals at the UNGA in continuation of her previous five-point proposal for resolving the Rohingya crisis, Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali told a press conference at the Foreign Ministry in Dhaka on Thursday.
She will address the UNGA at the UN Headquarters, as usual in Bangla, on September 27 said Foreign Minister.
Bangladesh Ambassador to the USA Mohammad Ziauddin and Bangladesh Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Masud Bin Momen will welcome the premier at the airport.
Apart from the Rohingya issue, the Prime Minister will also discuss world peace, safe migration, the rights of Palestine people, women empowerment and climate change, the foreign minister said.
“She will also present Bangladesh’s different socioeconomic advancements, including establishment of digital Bangladesh and the country’s ongoing democratic process to world leaders,” he said.
During the UNGA, Mahmood Ali said, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will receive two awards.
He said Inter Press Service (IPS), a global news agency, will give its prestigious ‘International Achievement Award’ to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her dynamic and farsighted leadership in addressing Rohingya crisis while Global Hope Coalition will confer her ‘2018 Special Recognition for Outstanding Leadership Award’.
On the second day, the Prime Minister will attend a high-level event on Global Call to Action on World Drug Problem, to be arranged by the permanent mission of the United States to the UN at the UN Headquarters.
The Prime Minister will later join the high-level event on the Global Compact on Refugees: A Model for Greater Solidarity and Cooperation, to be organised by the UN high commissioner for Refugees at ECOSOC Chamber at the UNHQ.
Sheikh Hasina will hold a meeting with her Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte at the bilateral meeting booth, UNHQ.
The Prime Minister will attend a luncheon roundtable meeting to be organised by the US Chamber of Commerce at Hotel Grant Hyatt New York.
In the afternoon, she is scheduled to address the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit at the General Assembly Hall.
She will attend the Sustainable Development Impact Summit in New York, to be organised by the World Economic Forum at Convene Conference Centre in New York.
Hasina will attend a roundtable discussion on Investment for Education of Women and Girls, convened by the Prime Minister of Canada at the conference room 11 of UNHQ.
She will join a high-level event titled Making Impossible Possible: Unlocking Human Potential through the International Finance Facility for Education to be organised by the UN Special Envoy for Global Education at the UNHQ.
In the evening, the Prime Minister will attend a reception to be hosted by Donald Trump at Lotte New York Palace Hotel.
On September 25, Hasina will join a high-level side-event on Cyber Security and International Cooperation, to be organised by the permanent mission of Bangladesh and UN Office on Disarmament Affairs in the UNHQ.
In the afternoon, she will join the UN Secretary General’s high-level event on Action for Peacekeeping at the UNHQ.
On September 26, Unicef executive director Henrietta Fore, UN high commissioner for refugees FilippoGrandi and high representative of the EU for foreign affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini will separately meet the Prime Minister at the UNHQ.
The Prime Minister will have a meeting with Estonian president KerstiKaljulaid at the same place.
On September 27, Hasina will attend a high-level side-event on the Situation of Rohingya Minority in Myanmar, to be organised by the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia and the OIC Secretariat in the UNHQ.
She will have a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres at the secretary general’s meeting room, UNHQ, while President of International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer will call on the Prime Minister at the bilateral meeting booth, UNHQ.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to meet Sheikh Hasina on the same day.
The Prime Minister will attend a high-level discussion on Economic Growth through Women’s Empowerment to be hosted by the President of Lithuania at the UNHQ and expected to join a reception accorded by the Inter-Press Service at UNHQ.
She will address the 73rd UNGA in the evening and join the Annual Dinner of the Global Hope Coalition at Park Avenue, New York.
On September 28, Hasina will address a press briefing at the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in New York.
The prime minister will return home in the morning on October 1 via London.
Source: dailysun