Elsevier and A2i starts joint initiative
Published : 02 Mar 2017, 22:04

Aiming to share information solutions that enhance the performance of science, health, and technology professionals and empowering them to make better decisions; Elsevier and A2i has jointly arranged a workshop called “Elsevier (ScienceDirect) Digital Resource Awareness & Author Workshop in association with A2i". This joint initiative also aims to deliver better care, and sometimes make groundbreaking discoveries that advance the boundaries of knowledge and human progress.
The two day long event has started on 2nd March, Thursday, and will be continued till 3rd March, at the Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB). Anyone can join the event either on 2nd or 3rd of March as per convenience. The event will commence at 10.30 am on both the days.
The program includes topics and discussions on Scholarly Publishing and will have detailed presentations on the below points:
1. How to get published
2. Peer Review
3. Get Noticed
4. How to write a lay summary
5. Plagiarism
6. Demystifying Permissions
7. Elsevier Publishing Campus
A follow-up session on the same day will also include demonstrations and presentations on ScienceDirect - Elsevier’s leading information solution for researchers, teachers, students, health care professional and information professionals. The presentations will showcase “How does Elsevier’s digital platform guide researchers to finding solutions for their research.
The Senior Solutions Sales Manager of Elsevier, Arnab Kumar De, said, "All knowledge begins as uncommon—unrecognized, undervalued, and sometimes unaccepted. But with the right perspective, the uncommon can become the exceptional. That’s why Elsevier is dedicated to making uncommon knowledge, common—through validation, integration, and connection. Between our carefully-curated information databases, smart social networks, intelligent search tools, and thousands of scholarly books and journals, we have a great responsibility and relentless passion for making information actionable".
Arnab Kumar De added, This program would be an opportunity to interact with the researchers, faculty members and librarians from institutions Bangladesh and sharing information with them about the Publishing process of Elsevier.
"We believe that the program will add great value for the participants in enhancing their skills of writing quality content and to interact with experts in the field of publishing and get their queries answered. Additionally, this will also be a great platform to interact and understand about the value of eBook content usage in research through digital platform", claimed Arnab.