Fruity Cottage Cheese Canapes
Published : 18 Sep 2017, 17:52

Cooking on weekends is a leisure activity when pursued in a special way. Create sweet moments by making special Fruity Cottage Cheese Canapes for your loved ones.
Here is a unique recipe of canapes that is fun to make and delicious to eat. It will raise the passion of cooking in you.
Eat with friends and family and strengthen your emotional health and relationships by way of making and serving ‘Fruity cottage cheese canapes’ to your dear ones.
Serves: 8, Preparation time: 60 minutes, Ingredients:
For toppings–
Brown bread canapes 32
Cottage cheese prepared from half litre full cream milk (home-made)
Fresh hung curd 3/4 cup (beaten)
Garlic flakes 2 (crushed)
Mint leaves 3 tsp (chopped)
Mustard paste 1/2 tsp
Black pepper powder 1/4 tsp
Salt to taste
For garnishing-
Sliced strawberry, black and green grapes, pineapple, kiwi, banana, melon, apple and any seasonal fruit, a few mint leaves dipped in water.
How to make Fruity Cottage Cheese Canapes
For brown bread canapes-
Take 16 bread slices of brown bread. Take a biscuit cutter or kulfi mould cap and cut slices into two halves to get 32 small circles of two inches diameter. Butter the canapes very lightly on one side. Heat oven to 210 degree C. Place canapes on the grill rack. Grill for five minutes or till golden crisp. Cool the canapes on a big tray so that they shouldn’t overlap. Store in an air tight container. They can be stored for two to three days. Though, freshly made are best.
For topping-To prepare cottage cheese
Boil half a litre milk. Give a boil and reduce the flame.
Add half cup of fresh yogurt and let the milk curdle.
Remove from heat. Strain through strainer and keep the cottage cheese aside.
Blend it to a smooth paste in a mixer.
Add all ingredients of the toppings to cottage cheese.
Mix well to make a spread and chill in refrigerator.
While serving time, spread this topping on bread canapes and garnish with slices of varied fresh or tinned fruits according to your taste.
Place a mint leaf on every canapé. You can make it more attractive with your imagination.
The combination of fruits and cottage cheese tastes divine!