Be a best friend to your teenage child
Published : 18 Aug 2017, 16:07

As a parent, only you can save your child from the problems of growing up and depression.
Is your child a teenager or going to be adolescent soon? Nothing to worry about. It’s a transitional phase in their lives which has to be dealt with wisdom. At this age, they are undergoing not only physical changes but mental, emotional and social changes too. They want to fly high overpassing all borders of restrictions and start building their own world of dreams. They may hesitate to tell the truth in some awkward situation, show violent anger or argue in an indecent manner, breaching values inculcated by you in them. At this juncture, parenting becomes puzzling and requires alterations. You may feel frustrated, annoyed or depressed. It is quite obvious with new parenting challenges you are facing. You have to remain firm, keeping your approach positive and conduct peaceful. Sit with them, talk to them, give respect and space to their thoughts, lift their confidence when they fail and admire their achievements.
It’s most important to assess how they feel about themselves. Help them to build an optimistic approach and a positive image of themselves in their own eyes. This will make them more confident and escalate them towards success. On the contrary, children with low esteem always keep comparing themselves to peers in a negative way. It builds up a tremendous pressure in their minds and they start thinking and acting irrationally. This age calls for right decisions regarding their future. They have to strive for good marks as scores play remarkably in choosing their stream from the available options. As a wise parent keep your expectations low regarding their results. Your children are under constant pressures of competitions and other educational facades. Never discourage them when the going gets adverse. Understand the complexity of the distress due to disappointment and maintain the sense of worthiness to avoid housing them with the fear of failure.
They have to strive for good marks as scores play remarkably in choosing their stream from available options. As a wise parent, keep your expectations low regarding their results. Your children are under constant pressures of competitions and other educational facades. Never discourage them when the going gets adverse. Understand the complexity of the distress due to disappointment and maintain the sense of worthiness to avoid housing them with the fear of failure.
Many issues crop up in teenage friendships too. Though it is difficult to change their friends, make them learn how to choose between good and bad. Build a strong affinity with your children that should be based on trust. Train them how to deal with conflicts among friends with proper implements. Teach them to be empathetic and not to be judgemental. Invite their friends home frequently but casually to know more about your child’s life. They may start building interest in opposite sex. Offer them guidance in a friendly way. Educate them by telling your pubertal experiences and some instances you know about others. Foresee the future events that may elicit their shyness. Speak to them
Foresee the future events that may elicit their shyness. Speak to them. When they know how to behave in an anticipated state, they are more likely to come out assertively. Do emphasise on loyalty, good manners and kindness. Discourage their bad habits like lying, arguing, bullying, exaggerating or stealing exhibiting your love and warmth. You yourself may not be perfect but keep in mind that your child will learn more through your actions than your words.
Make them outward and social by taking them to public gatherings with you. The more exposure they get in social behaviours, the earlier they will get seasoned in their opinions and decisions. Initiate a discussion with them of their interest and enhance their personality by encouraging them to speak.
There are plentiful factors that can affect teenagers’ buoyancy. Only you can save them from developing depression and anxiety. They can conquer all ups and down with your unconditional love, compassionate support, deep understanding and trust. Spending both quality and quantity time with them is equally important. To witness your child’s blissful life you have to be focussed and engaged with them purposely. Create a decent environment and stand by them when the things are tough.